

Also Known as
Rawa, sooji, rava

Semolina is milled to various degrees of coarseness. You can find finely grained semolina , medium grained and big grained semolina. Check to see whether the semolina you are buying is made from soft wheat or hard wheat (the durum variety) - the latter is what you need for gnocchi, pasta and home-made couscous.

This low-fat, high carbohydrate food offers a lot of energy along with a variety of other nutrients

· It is low in cholesterol and sodium and fairly high in fibre and can be safely incorporated into a well-balanced diet.

· Semolina is high in protein, very high in complex carbohydrates and fairly high in potassium, 

phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and fibre, with some iron, zinc, manganese and copper. 

· It is very low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium, and contains zero trans fatty acids.