vai punnu means Mouth Ulcer

vai punnu means -  Mouth Ulcer

Mouth Ulcers - vai-punnu

can form on the gums, inner cheeks and lips. Canker sores, while annoying, are common, and usually heal in a week or two

Use a salt or baking soda rinse. Mix a few pinches of salt in a glass of warm water. Swish around your mouth and spit out, repeating two or three times a day.

An alternative to this is a baking soda. Mix one teaspoon baking soda with several ounces of warm water. Swish and spit out.

Alternately, create a paste with equal parts baking soda and water. Daub the paste over the canker sore with a Q-tip and let dry.

Salt water and baking soda both help the mouth heal itself by reducing the alkalinity and bacteria in the mouth.

Use milk of magnesia. Dab it on active spots a few times a day. The antacid effect of milk of magnesia neutralizes the acidic environment, changing the pH, and making it less supportive of the bacteria in the mouth that aggravate the canker sore.