colara - Cholera Symptoms, Causes, Vaccine, Treatment,

colara - Cholera Symptoms, Causes, Vaccine, Treatment

  • Cholera is a disease caused by bacteria that produce a waterydiarrhea that can rapidly lead todehydration.
  • Cholera symptoms and signs include a rapid onset of copious, smelly diarrhea that resembles rice water and may lead to signs of dehydration (for example,vomiting, wrinkled skin, low blood pressure, dry mouth, rapid heart rate).
  • Cholera is most frequently transmitted by water sources contaminated with the causative bacterium Vibrio cholerae, although contaminated foods, especially raw shellfish, may also transmit the cholera-causing bacteria.
  • The main treatment for cholera is fluid and electrolyte replacement, both oral and IV. Antibiotics usually are used in severe infections in which dehydration has occurred.
  • Cholera can be prevented with appropriate measures such as safe drinking water and noncontaminated foods; some protection can be obtained from oral vaccines while avoiding areas where cholera commonly occurs or has had a recent outbreak.